Nectain Pre-Built Modules for Quick Start

Many low-code platforms come without any pre-built solutions. From time to time, they offer simple examples to show developers how to use the platform, but these examples are very often of limited use for everyday work.

Nectain takes a different approach and strives to deliver a product with the largest possible set of high-quality, ready-to-use application modules that can be immediately utilized in industrial solutions, significantly reducing the time spent on their development.

If your customers require a calendar for easy task visualization or a chat for team communication, Nectain can provide these (and many other) modules. All for free and right out of the box. It takes just a few clicks to integrate these functionalities into your app!

Low-code platform’s goal is to significantly reduce the cost of application development, and Nectain fully embraces this philosophy. Join us and experience the benefits of our pre-built modules.

Ready-To-Use Application Modules

Here is a list of the ready-to-use application modules that come with our platform for free:

1. Chat

Nectain offers various options to enhance communication and collaboration. One of the pre-built solutions for document management is the ability to hold discussions directly within the documents or objects. Simply add an attribute to display messages in the form of a chat and provide a convenient way of communication between employees that stores the discussion history directly in the document itself or object.

2. Calendar

The Nectain platform offers another ready-to-use solution: a calendar feature for managing work events. Along with the traditional option of tracking task due dates, it provides the ability to create both group and individual calendars. This raises the way calendars are used to a new level, allowing events to be created from “Date” attribute values in documents, objects, tasks or from events created by users. The company calendar can be centrally managed by any user with administrator rights, and flexible access settings provide the ability to grant permissions for calendar viewing or event creation. Additionally, calendars can be exported in iCal format for easy synchronization with users’ personal calendars in their preferred email client.

3. The Organizational Structure Management Module

Nectain’s ready-to-use modules include a range of features that support the functionality of the organizational and staff structure of a company. This module enables the design and modeling of the company’s organizational structure, which is subject to change caused by the business environment. It also plays a crucial role in the creation of document types and business process design and in the field of managing data access rights or data operations. These options have a significant potential for a fundamental automatisation of office business processes.

4. Email client

Nectain’s integrated email client streamlines communication by allowing users to receive emails in the platform from one or multiple connected email accounts, and  respond to them. This feature organizes internal email communication within the platform, saving employees time by eliminating the need to switch between email clients and Nectain.

It is also possible to manage received messages (grouping, filtering, searching, deleting). Create new email messages (including text and images from third-party applications) in the built-in email client, edit messages and send e-mail messages with the possibility of specifying the number of recipients.

5. Enterprise Search

Nectain’s enterprise search feature, which uses Elasticsearch technology, enables users to conduct full-text searches across documents (including those that are only being created) and attachments within the system. The search function allows you to set a specific time frame for the type of document you are searching for. Full-text search is supported on the contents of any files that contain textual information. The use of Elasticsearch technology provides real-time visualization and reporting capabilities, making it easier to subsequently analyze various data sets.

6. Document Generation from Templates

A simple and intuitive way to build almost any report right out of the box. With Nectain, you write a document template using Word, Excel, or Powerpoint and fill it with tags such as `{user}`. Nectain generates a document with all fields replaced by their values. The following requirements must be met for this to happen:

  • Maintaining a directory of document templates;
  • Sorting and filtering templates in the document template directory;
  • Creating templates that are not tied to a specific document type;
  • Creating templates based on .docx files that have special fields that can be automatically filled in;
  • Editing and duplicating existing templates;
  • Deleting templates that are not used in any document type;
  • Utilizing document templates to generate document images, document attachments, files, or collections of document files.

7. OCR

Nectain ready-to-use solutions include an OCR module, which allows you to quickly set up the processing of printed documents. All you need to do is prepare an OCR template, perform the typical procedures for converting a document into a digital format and download file. Nectain uses well-known software product Tesseract in its solution. It should be noted that the form of the OCR template depends on the paper document marking by zones (in mm.), but, in any case, preparing and automating the process of producing a digital twin of a paper document will pleasantly surprise you with its simplicity and affordability.

8. QR & Barcode

The digital transformation of modern life establishes new requirements for the identification and legal significance of digital documents. Although modern solutions are simple and obvious, they are not used in many computer systems. Nectain ready-to-use solutions include a module that provides the capabilities to createQR codes, barcode, static text stamps and their combinations and place them in any part of the document. This solution allows users to apply unique identifiers for each document, including information about the users who approve or certify the document.

9. Enterprise documents

Electronic digital signature (e-SIGN)

The digital signature module (DSM) is designed to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents. Its primary goal is to confirm that an electronic document was created or modified by a specific person and that it has not been forged or irreversibly altered after that.

The DSM module allows users to apply an electronic signature to any electronic document at any stage of the business process. The signature ensures not only the author’s identity but also the integrity of the document through the use of cryptographic methods.

Visual document comparison

The document version control module is designed to automate the process of preserving the history of document changes.

Thanks to the document version control module, users can create new versions of documents and make changes to them. Users can also view any of the previous versions of the document. Additionally, the module allows for comparing versions of the document, which allows seeing exactly what changes occurred in the document between versions.

Document duplicates control

Nectain ready-to-use solutions provide the ability to control document duplicates. For this, it is enough to set verification rules (choose the necessary attributes) for uniqueness for the chosen type of documents that will allow to search in a database documents that are containing the values of attributes specified in the rule and compare them with the current document. If there are documents in the system that match such rules, the user will see a message containing links to duplicates and their number. A simple solution, but one that greatly simplifies the control of unauthorized duplicate documents.

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